Many dogs have the unhealthy habit of swallowing their food too quickly. These dogs swallow everything without chewing as well as a large amount of air along with their food and water, this rapid consumption of food and water can lead to many problems such as indigestion, vomiting or bloating that could be life threatening.
The Slow Down Cup is specifically designed to force your dog to eat or drink at a slower pace. By doing so dogs will swallow less air, produce more saliva and chew more, leading to improved digestion and reducing the risk of bloat. The Slow Down Feeding Bowl is made of melamine, a non-toxic durable plastic with a non-slip rim to aid stability and to prevent the bowl from slipping during feeding.
The bowl is easy to clean, it is even dishwasher safe.
The Slow Down bowl can be used for water or food (suitable for dry or wet food).
Slow Down 1 is also suitable for cats.